We test for the best!

Personality Pro is profiling software strictly dedicated to the assessment of employees. customer retention strategies A trusted partner to managers and recruiters, Personality Pro provides a deceptively simple and inexpensive test that measures the personality traits, temperament and motivational fit of your applicants-quickly, accurately and reliably. Personality Pro is a valuable tool for anyone charged with hiring, promoting or managing people.

Avoid costly hiring mistakes
Education, experience, knowledge and job skills are not the most reliable measures of a potential applicant's success or failure. The most important factors are personality, motivational suitability and job fit. That's exactly what Personality Pro measures. These softer skills are tough to gauge in job interviews. Without testing, your candidate's true self may not emerge until after they have been hired. Personality Pro cuts through the facade and uncovers the real person, before its too late!

Eliminate guesswork
Download Personality Pro and you can begin testing applicants immediately. Instantly, you'll receive a comprehensive and easy to understand two-page evaluation of your candidate. With this information, you'll have everything you need to make informed hiring and promotion decisions.

customer retention strategiesPersonality Pro
Quality. Results. Personality Pro is a simple yet reliable test that instantly measures and analyzes the temperament, personality and motivational fit of your applicants. Convenient, accurate and affordable, Personality Pro has been designed specifically to assist recruiters and managers in evaluating the suitability of candidates for hiring or promotion.

Why Test For Personality fit?
Save & Make Money

Much has been written about the costs of hiring the wrong person. Conversely, hiring the right person can save you money and make you money.

Personality Pro saves you time, reduces hiring and training costs, minimizes employee turnover, improves day-to-day management, and helps you unleash the untapped potential in each of your employees.

Build a happier, more productive group of employees
An employee can succeed wildly in one job and fail miserably in another. That's because all positions are unique. Some positions require assertive and independent types, while others need more helpful, service-oriented types. The key to a happy, productive workforce is to hire people with the personality variables most suited to your position.

What does Personality Pro measure?
Personality Pro measures personality traits linked to temperament and motivation, such as assertiveness, sociability, sense of urgency, dependence, emotional maturity and stamina. All of these factors and others are measured and evaluated in keeping with the requirements of your particular job. customer retention strategies

What does the program cost?
Personality Pro is the most affordable evaluation system available. The evaluations are equal or superior to services that often cost over $200 per assessment. We provide a self contained software program that will allow you to give all the tests you need with no limits. The cost is only $37.

Don't people know what to answer?
People will attempt to provide the 'right' answers during interviews or tests. Personality Pro is designed to take this into account, cut through the facade and measure the true personality-the person you would have to interact with on a daily basis.

Is this just for applicants or can it be used for employees too?
Personality Pro is used primarily on job applicants, yet a very high proportion of our clients also test employees. Managers can use Personality Pro to identify the best approach to manage, motivate, train and develop each employee. Personality Pro also uncovers potential problems and issues that should be addressed. If you have an under performing employee, Personality Pro will help you develop an action plan. If you have a high potential employee, Personality Pro will help you understand how to use that person wisely and how to look for similar traits in future job candidates.

How long does the test take?
Personality Pro is not timed but typically takes about 7-10 minutes.

customer retention strategies

Does a person's state of mind affect the results?
Mild personal stress, work stress, low morale or other factors that create a temporary negative state of mind do not seriously impact a person's assessment. Occasionally, extreme financial, marital, health or family stress may cloud an individual's underlying personality traits. In such cases, the test may not be able to obtain an accurate picture of the applicant's style at that particular time. In this type of situation we recommend that the person be re-tested in the future when they are likely to be out of this stressed state.

I am a very experienced interviewer, why do I need a test?
Even the most experienced interviewer can be fooled by a job applicant's role-playing abilities. As an interviewer, you can only make decisions based on what you see. Unfortunately in many cases the person you see in the interview today is very different from the person you are actually working with in 2, 3 or 4 months. In any case, even if the assessment confirms everything you saw in your interview, Personality Pro is useful as more than just a hiring tool. It is a developmental tool that can serve as a 'road map' to get the new employee up to speed as quickly as possible.

"We have been very impressed with the results of such an affordable piece of software! I think we will find Personality Pro extremely useful in our hiring process.

Thanks again,"

Peter Haigh
General Manager
Quay Computers Corporate
L2 Comm Arts House, 15 Walter Street
PO Box 27164 Wellington

"Hi Jody

At first I was a bit skeptical when I saw your sales letter - But after testing your software I am really surprised how accurate the data is and I see how it can help me to get the right people for my company.

It will be a help to get the right people for the right position and save me money and a lot of headaches with the wrong employees."

Mag Johannes Nefischer


In case you have any lingering doubts whatsoever, we want to make this completely "fool-proof" for you. Here's how: We personally guarantee that you will be absolutely delighted with your purchase. In fact, we'll give you 90 days to try it out! And if you are not 100% satisfied at anytime in that first 3 months, just return the product(s) for a full refund! How easy is that?

Download Personality Pro and take a trial test free of charge. You might try testing yourself. We think you will be amazed at what you will see!


Purchase now for unlimited use! - Only $37!





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