Zipcode Directory


Need A Zipcode Directory You Can Import To You Own Solutions?

Take advantage of this opportunity and you'll have a directory of zipcodes you can search based on:

  • 5-Digit Zip CodeZipcode Directory
  • County
  • Area Code
  • 5-Digit FIPS Code
  • State Names
  • State Abbreviations
  • Principal City
  • Time Zone
  • Daylight Savings
  • Latitude
  • Longitude

You can also:

  • Calculate Distance Between Two Zip Codes!!!
You'll be able to export the entire 43,000+ record zipcode directory to anywhere you want!

There are a number of zipcode directories for sale but none of them give you all that we do and very few let you own the data to use as you like. You read it right.

You own the data!

Zipcode MasterDB is a software directory of over 43,000 zipcodes that you can search any way you like. The outline format of the program makes it very easy to find the information you need. You can also search on area code, city and state. But beyond that, you have the ability to export 100% of all this information to your own files. So you not only own a copy of the program. You own the data as well. And because we update the information monthly, you have the most recent data possible!


Zipcode Directory

"list view"


Download Zipcode MasterDB to try out free of charge or,


Order Now - Only $14


Zipcode MasterDB Last Updated On: June 23, 2024


I personally guarantee that you will be absolutely delighted with your software. In fact, I'll give you 90 days to try out anything on this website on me! And if you are not 100% satisfied at anytime in that first 3 months, just return the product for a full refund!

zipcode directory



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